Wednesday 18 June 2014

This is the durex campaign made by me through risk advertisment and in this i have tried to show the importance of condoms in an indirect or direct way. The first of the three advertisment shows us that we should stop restricting  ourselves due to fear of something wrong is gonna happen .So we should have pleasure by using durex condoms.


                                                         2nd durex risk advertisement

This is a comedy version of durex 2nd ad in which i have made penises . And one of the penis is  dressed up in a durex clothes . which tells us that its always good to b smart and well
dressed up.
                                                                      3rd durex ad
World is facing many problems as we speak right now . Global warming, scarcity of food , pollution bla bla bla bla.................. And all of this can be narrowed down to one problem. And what is the problem H.U.M.A.N . So lets put end to this.